Four out of the six accused in the Rahima Begum 'abduction' case in Khulna got bail. Judge Mahmuda Begum of the Khulna Metropolitan Sessions Court on Tuesday granted them bail after the hearing. Public Prosecutor (PP) KM Iqbal Hossain of the Metropolitan Sessions Judge Court confirmed the matter. The bailees are Mohammad Mohiuddin, Golam Kibria, Md. Jewel and Rafiqul Islam Palash. However, two other accused in this case, Helal Sharif and Rahima Begum's second husband, Belal Ghatak, are currently in jail.
On August 27, around 10:30 pm, Rahima Begum came down from the house to fetch water from Maheswar Pasha's house in Daulatpur of the city. He did not return home after that. While searching, the children found the mother's used shoes, veil and pitcher lying on the road. He was not found even after searching all possible places at night.
After that, his younger daughter Aduri Akhtar filed a case in Daulatpur police station citing the general diary and later some names. During the investigation of this case, the police and RAB conducted raids and arrested six people till September 12. Four people got bail from that case. Law and order forces rescued Rahima Begum from Syedpur of Sadar Union of Boalmari Upazila of Faridpur after 29 days of disappearance.